The Gospel (The Story of Redemption) as Seen in the Old and New Testaments

God's original plan for humanity was one of perfect peace, health, and happiness, intended to last forever. He created humans to live in close relationship with Him, providing guidelines, or "rules," that would preserve their well-being and ensure they could enjoy eternal life. These rules were not burdensome but life-giving, designed to maintain harmony between God, people, and the world. By following them, humans would never experience death.
However, humans thought they knew better. They chose to break God's life-giving rules, leading to the entrance of sin (disobedience to God's commands) into the world. This act of rebellion brought death, suffering, and separation from God. The perfection and peace of the original creation were shattered, and humanity was left facing the consequences of sin.
This fall from God's original design set the stage for the entire Bible’s story of redemption. From that point forward, God’s plan shifted to restoring what had been lost. His new plan, called the Plan of Salvation or Story of Redemption, is His work to eliminate sin and restore humanity to a state of eternal peace, health, happiness, and life.

Central to this plan was a profound act of love—God Himself, in the person of Jesus Christ, came to earth to take humanity's place. Because sin leads to death, Jesus, who lived a perfect life without sin, offered Himself as a substitute. On the cross, He died the death that all humans deserved, paying the penalty for sin. By His death and resurrection, Jesus opened the way for humanity to be restored to eternal life with God.
Through Jesus’ perfect life, sacrificial death, and triumphant resurrection, we are offered the gift of unending peace, health, and happiness. This offer is available to all who trust in Him.
But the story doesn’t end there. Soon, Jesus will return to earth to take His followers to be with Him where He now reigns. Ultimately, sin and even death itself will be completely destroyed. God will recreate the earth, making it new again—free from sin, suffering, and death. This will be a place of perfect joy and eternal life, just as God originally intended.
This is the Gospel of Jesus Christ—the good news that God has made a way for us to be saved from sin and death and to be restored to eternal life in perfect peace with Him.